We have mentioned many times without exacerbation that our graduates work in countries all over the world. Peter Kuczma conducts geodetic measurements for drilling platforms around the world and is a Surveying Technical High School graduate of Continuing Professional Development Centre in Rzeszów, Poland. If Romania or the United Kingdom does not sound exotically enough, then Ghana, Brunei, Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago or Curaçao does indeed. A list of visited countries by Peter is long and impressive! Therefore, surveying classes for our graduate in the school were not just temporary solution, but quickly became his passion and future profession. After graduating from Surveying Technical High School, he began his studies at AGH University of Science and Technology. He was fresh out of AGH when he moved to London for 4 years in order to participate in construction and modernization of the Underground as a survey engineer. Being qualified engineer, Peter actively participated in measurements associated with building objects surveying, subway lines staking and geodetic monitoring of displacements. Over the years, he admits that it was real university of life, practical training and opportunity for occupational language development. When contract has ended, he returned to Poland and continued his professional development at A4 motorway construction site between Jarosław and Radymno, where his main tasks included coordination and completion of cartographic documentation, communication with subcontractors and The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA). All in all, it was typical desk work.
Bitwa partyzancka pod Osuchami. Opracował: Jerzy Moskal
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